Headaches often happen as result of a knock-on effect of tightness and tension in the rest of your body. Too much strain on your neck or back can lead to painful headaches throughout the day. Our team here at Acuhealth can help you with acupuncture for headaches in South Manchester.
Acupuncture has long been used as treatment for many illnesses and conditions. From depression and anxiety to fibromyalgia and multiple sclerosis, acupuncture can aid relaxation and stimulate the smooth flow of Qi in the body.
The channels that Qi flows through your body in should be clear of blockages. This is what Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is based upon: freeing up the blocked channels and expelling pathogens to stave off illnesses. With headaches, acupuncture can help to stimulate the flow of Qi and reduce tension in your whole body.
The fine, sterile, single-use needles are inserted into various places in your body depending on the outcome of your consultation with our team. They may even place needles in your feet to treat your headache!
Our TCM practitioner will help to relieve painful headaches and reduce the tension in your body. Find out how our acupuncture sessions can help you by speaking to our team today.