Dr Jiang Chang – Acupuncture, Tui Na Massage, and Herbal Medicine
Dr Jiang Chang
Senior Practitioner of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine
Member of the British Acupuncture Council (BAcC 957584)
- Broadly specializing in various aspects of medical conditions, including: Mental health problems such as depression, anxiety, stress, insomnia.
- Digestive disorders such as indigestion, IBS, constipation, diarrhea
- Women’s problems, such as menstrual abnormalities ( irregular periods painful periods, pre menstrual symptoms), infertility ( for both men and women), menopausal syndrome, mood swings.
- Pain symptoms such as nerve pain, tension headaches, joint pain, physical injury and sports injury, migraine, sciatica, Bell’s palsy.
- Aging associated conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, fatigue, poor sleep, low mood.
Qualified as a doctor from Nanjing University of TCM, China in 1982, Dr Chang’s career has involved various fields including medical related scientific research, education, clinical practice and health service administration in China, Malta and the UK.
Following 42 years of clinical practice, Dr Chang has gained enormous experience and treated thousands of cases with great success. Since he relocated to Stockport 21 years ago, he has seen patients all over the Great Manchester region, Derbyshire, Lancashire, Wales and overseas.
Apart from treating ordinary disorders, Dr Chang has the knowledge and expertise to treat all kinds of complicated physical and mental problems. Plus, Dr Chang has been a sporty person for all his life, he is a sprinter and swimmer, he plays table tennis, tennis and basketball. The combination of his sporty life and medical skills made him a better sports injury expert too, he has his special remedies for sports injury treatment, recovery and prevention.
常江醫生於1982年獲得中國南京中醫藥大學醫師資格,其職業生涯涉及中國、馬耳他和英國的醫學相關科學研究、教育、臨床實踐和衛生服務管理等多個領域。 經過42年的臨床實踐,常醫生累積了豐富的經驗,治療了數千例病例,並取得了巨大成功。 自從 21 年前搬到斯托克波特以來,他治療過大曼徹斯特地區、德比郡、蘭開夏郡、威爾斯和海外各地的患者。 除了治療一般的疾病外,常醫生還擁有治療各種複雜的身心問題的知識和專業知識,加上常醫生一生都是運動家,他是短跑運動員和游泳運動員,也打乒乓球、網球和籃球。 運動生活和醫療技能的結合也讓他成為了更好的運動傷害專家,對於運動傷害的治療、恢復和預防均有他獨特的一套療法。